dental marketing

Creating an effective modern marketing strategy, one that utilizes an array of digital platforms as well as traditional methods, can be daunting. Before you dive into specific marketing strategies for your dental clinic, it is essential that you develop a detailed dental marketing plan. Whereas strategy is action-oriented, planning is future-oriented….


Currently, there are more than 201,117 dentists working in the dental industry. If you’re looking to improve your clientele, the only way to do this is by implementing the proper dental marketing strategy. We understand you’ve done the research and still find yourself missing some of the most crucial dental…

patient trust

Trust is one of the foundations of quality dental care. It facilitates open and honest communication, effective treatment, and better patient outcomes. When patients come to your office, they’re often nervous and feeling somewhat vulnerable. By fostering and cultivating a trusting and open environment, you’ll leave them freer to open…

dental aerosol

While dentistry is a relatively safe profession, it is not free of all risk. One of the primary concerns facing oral health professionals is the presence and spread of dental aerosols in the office environment. This issue took on a special concern during the COVID-19 pandemic, as dental aerosols were…